Breadcrumb later
OPML: the format
- OPML stands for Outline Processor Markup Language.
- The format stores lists and hierarchical outlines in XML.
- Here is the current spec (1.0),
and a proposed new spec (2.0)
is in review.
- The OPML format was developed by Dave
Winer in 2000.
Beta validator
Caveat: Because it's a beta,
you shouldn't depend on the results.
Tools that understand OPML
Adoption of OPML is growing almost too quick to keep up with it.
- Directory
of software and online tools that do something with OPML files.
Some of the ways OPML is used
- Reading lists [probably need a separate page about reading lists]
- Subscription lists [maybe the separate page covers both and draws the
distinction between them]
- Blogrolls
- Distributed directories
[show example of each]
For people who have ideas
"First, you must have more than one idea."
[Has Dave's dad started his outliner book? If so maybe get a sneak preview
Dave Winer has been writing outliners for close
to 30 years.
He gives some background on the first one in this video clip from an October
11, 2005, interview on Nerd
- 4:30 How did the outliner come about?
- 9:00 What's an outliner?
[draft page]