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What the OPML Editor can do

The desktop program for Windows or Mac bundles a freakish range of tools within its tiny footprint. All at once it's a:

Blogging tool

The OPML Editor, with it's quick upstreaming technique, makes it easy to set up and maintain a blog.

Visit some recently updated OPML blogs.

Find out who operates community servers.

The OPML Editor also may be used to post to WordPress blogs. Find out how. [need a volunteer to put together alterations to the instructions from the comments]

Feed reader

NewsRiver is the OPML Editor's built-in river of news RSS aggregator.

Distributed directory builder

Because of OPML's magical inclusion property, you can create a distributed directory, delegating sections of its creation and maintenance to editors you choose. Learn how.

Specialized text editor

Though it's made for editing OPML files, the OPML Editor useful for editing any sort of XML file.

Notetaking tool

Once you have taken notes and organized ideas with an outliner, you'll never go back to however you were doing it before. Add the notes to your blog, and the Editor becomes the very best live-blogging tool, bar none, don't even try to argue about it. ;-)

Collaboration enabler

[Instant outliner - how to describe. Need help from somebody who's used it in a work or project context.]



The OPML Editor was developed by Dave Winer, who also invented the OPML format.


[what else belongs here?]

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